
The overarching goal of my teaching is to develop students’ critical capacities and transferable skills that they could use in their lives and careers well beyond the subject taught. I support the process of inclusive and critical learning through a variety of teaching resources and strategies in particular: critical thinking, interactive teaching, listen to the learners and inclusive and positive environment.

I have in the past attended several workshops and training events to formally and informally strengthen my teaching abilities for instance I received the Diploma for teaching with the Centre for Academic Practice and Student Learning (CAPSL) at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland.

I am very happy to share syllabi and any other teaching material so feel free to contact me anytime!

University of Vienna (as instructor)

  • Digital Democracy (BA course; Winter 2020; Spring 2023)

  • Political Psychology (MA course; Winter 2022)

  • Research Design and Causal Methods (PhD course; Winter 2022; Winter 2023)

  • Research Methods for the Social Sciences (MA course; Spring 2014; Spring 2015; Spring 2016; Spring 2017; Spring 2018; Spring 2021; Spring 2022; Spring 2023; Spring 2024)

  • Introduction to Political Science (MA course; Winter 2023; Spring 2024)

  • Bachelor Dissertation Seminar (BA course; Winter 2014; Winter 2015; Winter 2016; Winter 2017; Winter 2018; Winter 2022)

  • Comparative Politics (BA course; Winter 2019)

  • Representation and Public Opinion (BA course; Spring 2018; Winter 2019)

  • Democratic Theories and Public Opinion (MA course; Spring 2014; Spring 2017)

  • Introduction to R (open course; Spring 2016; Winter 2016; Spring 2015; Winter 2015)

  • Quantitative Methods of Empirical Social Research (BA course; Winter 2014; Winter 2015)

University of Bologna (as instructor)

  • Statistics for the Social Sciences (MA course; Spring 2019)

London School of Economics and Social Sciences (as teaching assistant)

  • Applied Regression Analysis (2012 LSE Summer School) (with Kenneth Benoit)

Trinity College Dublin (as teaching assistant)

  • Research Methods (BA level; Spring 2013)

  • Introduction to International Relations (BA level; Winter 2012)

  • Introduction to Political Science (BA level; Winter 2009; Spring 2010)